How to Use a Foam Cannon
Step 1: The foam cannon method is so effective because it maximizes the amount of suds that come in to direct contact with your vehicle and completely eliminates the possibility of any scratching or swirl stains caused by human error. As with the bucket method, fill the foam cannon with 2 oz. of Vital Car Wash Soap, and the remainder with water.
Step 2: Shake the cannon well so that you agitate the Vital Car Wash Soap inside the cannon.
Step 3: Starting from the top and working towards the bottom, cover the entire car with a thick lather of suds. The difference here is that you will be able to cover your vehicle so thoroughly that it will almost be invisible. Leave it for a few minutes before rinsing using a high-pressure nozzle and finally drying using the Big Giant Drying 25 x 36 Towel.
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